SWEngin has decided to give its product a name. From now on the free piston linear generator will be known as MaGG-One. The new name is, of course, not completely made up out of thin air, but meaningful: MaGG-ONe stands for Master-Adaptable-Global-Generator 1st Generation. This way SWEngin has found the right term for its wunderkind: ordinary – flexible – compact, […]
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On the 24th of November, SWEngin’s tecnical director Dr. Florian Kock is going to give a speech at the VDI-conference of experts. He is going to talk about all recent developments regarding the project “FPLG”. The scientific news webpage “VDI Wissensforum” published a teaserlike German article about SWEngin, “The Road to Zero Emission” and our vision. Even though the short article […]
We are happy to welcome a new member to our SWEngin team! Markus Rausch has been gathereing experience in the field of research and development writing his master thesis about specific Free Piston Linear Generator’s components. Our engineering team in Stuttgart won him as qualified and experienced engineer who proudly enganges in our technology’s development.
Signing contracts, the skilled visionary and strategist Prof. Dr. Manfred Gröger becomes new CEO of SWEngin. Previously in SWEngin’s team, he acted as Business Angel and representative of former investors. After a long collaboration he is now not only on hand with help and advice but supports SWEngin with his experience as a Venture Capital’s chairman of the supervisory board. […]
Munich STARTUP asked SWEngin seven questions about the „Free Piston Linear Generator“ (FPLG) and published all answers on its homepage. In the article, the founding team is introduced as well as the vision which encourages the team. Interview: http://www.munich-startup.de/11215/7-fragen-an-swengin/
The construction of the first Opposed-piston-FPLG is heading down the home straight. All important components have already been installed and with the implementation of the housing cover the project could eventually be completed today. A large inspection window was integrated so that one can observe the inside of the FPLG between piston and armature whenever needed. From the vast bottom […]
Combustion chamber, linear generator, gas spring – these three components of the FPLG are being montaged at this very moment. All pistons have already been integrated. This week 16 linear generators have been montaged and adjusted with patience and devotion. In the following, the FPLG’s moving parts will be montaged. Then, all three subsystems will be installed and consequently the […]
Unabated interest in the FPLG: Sunday, the 17/04/2016, a thorough article about the FPLG and SWEngin GmbH was published in the newspaper „Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung“. In february, journalist Bettina Weiguny had already paid a visit to the DLR’s test bench in Stuttgart, where she conducted interesting interviews with chief engineer Dr. Florian Kock and Business Angel Prof. Dr. Manfred Gröger. […]
During the last few weeks, „Christmas time“ has returned to SWEngin frequently: Alongside the here depicted bottom parts, a lot more components from different suppliers will be arriving these days. Altogether they are going to build the first complete FPLG system which has been developed by SWEngin: the demonstrator (pre-prototype) with opposed piston. The unwrapping of the components made of […]
2nd and 3rd March: Important representatives of the Chinese company „Southern Raytaii“ came to SWEngin’s locations. The visit’s subject was the view of the test benches located at the DLR in Stuttgart and concrete negotiations in Munich about a future collaboration. The company based in Shenzen (China) is an international investment group with focus on innovative technology projects. Southern Raytaii […]